Abide Align Flow


Welcome to The Prayer Orchard. We are an online community of ordinary pilgrims journeying together and learning to pray with our whole selves. We nurture our inner world and awaken to the reality and depth of connection to God that is available to us.We use embodied practices of movement and contemplation to plumb those depths. I am so glad you have found yourself here.Let’s dive in….

What’s inside?

  • Movement

    Two nourishing Pilates based classes per week, available live or on demand. One to wake up, energise and mobilise your body, the other to relax, restore and prepare you for sleep. Both are woven together with prayer. These sessions are suitable for all ages and abilities.

  • Contemplation

    A weekly twenty minute centring prayer practice. A weekly journaling practice based around The Ignation practice of Examen. Seasonal online retreats to journey together through the year. Plus free resources and videos to learn a broad spectrum of practices and space to journey together and learn from each other.

  • Wellness Coaching

    Sometimes you need the support of working with someone one to one. Limited sessions available to help you with your own rhythms and practices, fitness or wellbeing. You will also find lots of free resources in the members area to help you in your physical, spiritual and emotional health.

Join The Prayer Orchard

£20 p/m

All content is available for £20 a month on a cancel anytime membership. However I understand that times are tough for a lot of us financially at the moment. So if paying £14 a month would be more accessible for you, drop me an email and I will send you a discount code, no questions asked.

Drop in movement sessions are also available for £6 each. Send me an email if you want more information on those.