Hi, I’m Emma

Welcome to my world. I am so grateful you are here for us to journey together.

Here’s the facts.

I’m a 39 year old, married, mum of 4. We make our home in a small coastal town in South East Scotland. I’m a Pilates and Yoga teacher and my husband and I facilitate a 24/7 Prayer community, as well as being active members in the OMS, a global monastic community.

Here’s my heart.

I’m a searcher, ever since I was little I’ve always tried to grasp the world with both hands. I love learning, and experiencing everything around me. I come alive in nature and adventure, either alone or with family and friends. You can often find me cold water swimming, hiking or catching the sunrise. I used to hate getting up early but these last few years I’ve trained myself to be an early riser and I’m never going back. I love waking early and lingering in my practices. My practices are what have brought me to create ThePrayerOrchard.

But first, lets go back…

I came to faith through a radical encounter with God when I was 19 (let’s grab a cuppa one day and I’ll tell you all about it). A type 7 on the enneagram I dived straight in to evangelical church life and soon learned how to become what I thought was required of me, but deep down I still didn’t really know who I was. The transformation I read about and longed for never really took root in the depths of my being. Six years ago we moved from Cornwall to Scotland to church plant. The short story is that during that time my faith and my own sense self were pulled apart. The journey of the last few years has seen my faith rebuilt and my inner world become stronger and more authentic than ever. A lot of that journey has occurred through becoming a student of Christian Contemplation…that and taking up the lifetime of work to deal with my own habits, attachments and false comforters. I’m finally able to say for the first time in my life that I’m living into the truth of who I really am, and it feels SO good. My experience of God is much more expansive than it was, and I’m completely committed to following Jesus and journeying alongside others as they seek to do the same.

My Qualifications

To be honest, I think more than any study I’ve done the thing that qualifies me the most is my everyday ordinary life and my commitment to my own spiritual and physical journey. But in case you're interested in my actual qualifications, here you go…

BSc Hon Health and Fitness

FdSc Personal Trainer

Gym Instructor

Level 3 Pilates Instructor (3000+hrs)

200hr Vinyasa Yoga Instructor