What to expect

  • Abide

    Dwell. Remain. Stay.

    Mindful movement is an amazing tool to help us become more present to ourselves and to God. The type of movement you can expect is most heavily weighted in Pilates. Yet it’s influenced by my experience as both a Pilates and Yoga teacher, as well as specific movements to bring health and strength to the joints. Think simple, flowing nourishing exercise suitable for all abilities…the type of movement that makes you feel good.

  • Align

    In God’s love. In your values. In your posture.

    The physical often mirrors the spiritual. Pilates has six main principles; concentration, control, centring, flow, precision and breathing. Physically all of these principles help the body come into natural alignment. Spiritually as we move, pray our breath prayers and ponder God’s presence we deepen our alignment to our true selves as beloved children of God.

  • Flow

    Be. Here. Now.

    Flow is the outcome of abiding and aligning. Physically we concentrate on our breath and posture and flowing movement is the outcome. Spiritually we are concentrating on God’s presence both on our mats and in our everyday life. The outcome of the physical and the spiritual woven together is that we flow in line with the Spirit.

How you’ll feel

Calm, supple and focused with increased energy and deeper sleep

What you’ll get each week

  • A 30 minute live morning mobility practice 6.30am on Tuesdays

  • A 40 minute live relaxing evening practice 9pm on Wednesdays

  • Both sessions available on demand in our online movement studio

  • All sessions woven through with contemplative prayer tools

  • Pop up sessions focusing on a particular aspect such as strength or technique

  • Access to on demand CoreFit videos for if you want to work up a sweat


Can I try it before I sign up?

Yes, you can click through to my YouTube channel and try sessions on there for free. Apologies in advance as the sound and lighting aren’t as good in those videos. You could also try one class live for just £6.

Is it suitable for me as a beginner?

Absolutely! All the movement I teach is adaptable for all abilities. I offer lots of adaptions and variations; I am your guide throughout but it’s your practice and your body knows best. I lead you in a way that leaves lots of room to make it all work for you.

I saw that you’re a yoga teacher. How does that work with being a Christian?

I trained with the incredible Yoga Abbey in America and I’ve spent years wrestling with this question myself. All I can say in the end is, it’s up for each of us to pray and discern what we feel is right for ourselves. Yoga has enriched and deepened my relationship with Jesus and I find it a very fruitful tool. At the end of the day my two cents worth is that it isn’t what we do externally that matters… it’s the heart it comes from. Anything and everything practiced here in The Prayer Orchard is for the purpose of drawing us closer to God.

How is prayer woven into movement?

In many wonderful and diverse ways. More details of this can be found in the Contemplation page. Essentially we begin by becoming present, focusing on God and taking that awareness with us through our practice. It’s a beautiful combination.

Do I need any special equipment?


Just a safe comfortable space, a mat if you have one and some cushions and blankets. We love to get cosy and comfortable in ThePrayerOrchard!

Can I do a class without becoming a member?


Send me a message on the contact page and you can do a drop in morning or evening session for £6. These are only available live. The on demand service is for members.